New Update v0.1.6

New Update in Exo Track (v0.1.6)

Changes -

  1. UI update - In this Update I changed the UI for both Android and PC. Added a new button for interaction in the game world and made some changes to death Scene. Time spent - 1.5hr
  2. Ai update -  I added a new AI named JOST may sounds weird but he will currently patrol around the world and currently he just roams in this world. Time spent - 2hr
  3. Computer spawning - In this update I fixed the spawning of the computers so that they spawn in the correct locations. There are Currently 10 secret locations where these computers can spawn. Time spent - 2hr
  4. World Update - Updated the game world and added interactable doors and buildings. Time spent - 1hr

Thats all for today guys hope you love the new update stay tuned for more fun!


Android 119 MB
Jun 20, 2024

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